Leto rojstva: 1950Commission of Musical Works
- Ljubljana Academy of Music: degree in composition (1978, class of Prof. Uroš Krek).- Specialisation in electroacoustic music at the E.S.R.B. - Electronic Studio of Radio Belgrade (1984-1985, mentors Paul Pignon and Vladan Radovanović).
- Completed a course in computer programming: C - language & Unix System, Institute of Nuclear Physics, Vinča, Serbia (Yugoslavia) (1987).
- Member of the orchestra of the Slovene National Theatre Opera House in Maribor (1968-1969).- Member of the RTV Slovenia Symphony Orchestra in Ljubljana (1969-1978).
- Lecturer of harmony, counterpoint and musical form at the “Dr Vojislav Vučković” Music Intermediate School in Belgrade (1979-1992).
- Music adviser at the Association of Cultural Organisations (ZKO) in Maribor (1992-1993).
- Branch manager of SAZAS (Association of Composers, Authors and Publishers for the Protection of Authors’ Rights in Slovenia) Maribor branch – for Styria and Carinthia (since 1993).
- Permanent part-time member of the Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra.
- Member of the “Slavko Osterc” ensemble for contemporary music.
- Member of the UKS (Society of Serbian Composers).
- Co-founder of AUEM (Association of Artists and Electronic Media).
- Permanent musical collaborator of the E.S.R.B. (Electronic Studio of Radio Belgrade).
- Permanent musical collaborator of the drama broadcasts section of Radio Belgrade.
- Member of the music programmes section of the student cultural Center SKS in Belgrade.
- Lecturer at summer school courses on the role of percussion in symphonic music of the 20th century, for students of composition and musicology at the Belgrade Academy of Music.
- Head of the section for music theoreticians affiliated to the Society of Music Pedagogues of Serbia.
- Artistic director and performer in the ensemble Druga nova glasba (The Other New Music).
- Mentor and conductor of the chamber ensemble Musica viva.
- Conductor of the “Dr Vojislav Vučković” Female Choir.
- Mentor of the Baroque Trio “Filip”.
- Member of the society for the development of contemporary Slovene music MUZINA.
- Initiator and co-founder of the society for the creation of culture through contemporary music “Nova glasba”.
- Part-time lecturer in electroacoustic music at the Department of Music Pedagogy of the Maribor Faculty of Education (2000-2005).
- Member of the cultural and ethnomusicological society Folk Slovenia (since 2013).
Awards and Prizes
For creative work:- Awards of the UKS (Society of Serbian Composers) for the compositions Miraggio, 1982 and Slika (The Picture), 1983.
- Second prize in the competition S. S. Mokranjac for the composition Slika (The Picture), 1984.
- Annual prize of RTV Belgrade for the drama work Horizonti (Horizontals), 1988/89.
- Placement among the best ten compositions of Yugoslav music production in 1988, Tribune of Music Creativity of Yugoslavia, Opatija, Croatia, 1998 (for the composition Water Music).
- Annual award of the Belgrade Radio and Television for work in the field of drama, 1988/89.
For pedagogical work:
- November Prize for outstanding results in pedagogy, 1984.
- Second prize in the National Competition of Music Schools of Serbia with the “Dr Vojislav Vučković” Female Choir, Belgrade, 1982,
- First prize in the National Competition of Music Schools of Serbia with the “Dr Vojislav Vučković” Female Choir, Belgrade, 1983.
- First prize in the Federal Competition of Music Schools of Yugoslavia with the “Dr Vojislav Vučković” Female Choir, Priština, Kosovo, 1983.
- Second prize in the National Competition of Music Schools of Serbia with the Baroque Trio “Filip”, Belgrade, 1986.
Orchestral Music
Koncert za rog in simfonični orkester/ Musica per corno ed orchestra (1975)Miraggio Simfonia; za veliki simfonični orkester (1978)
Glasba za godala / Musica per archi (1983)
Praznovanje vetra / Celebration of the wind; za simfonični orkester (2011)
Opera and Ballet Music
Sunce zadje (1993) eksperimentalni baletS. Osterc: Krog s Kredo (1995) korekture in notografija opere
H. Purcell: Dido in Enej za Opero SNG Maribor (2004) rekonstrukcija in priredba opere
Choral Music
Gayatri mantra; za ženski zbor (2003, rev. 2009), priredba indijske mantreVečer; za mešani zbor (2002)
Vocal-Instrumental Music
Slika; za mešani zbor in tolkala (1983)El Pano moruno (M. de Falla); elektronska glasba, za glas in digitalne vzorce orkestra ( 1988) - priredba
Chamber Music
Pihalni kvintet (1973)Godalni kvartet (1973)
Meditations sur le poeme de S. Quasimodo pour mezzosoprano et piano (1973)
Komorna glasba za godala/ Chamber music for strings, (1983, rev. 1996)
Dežuje; za osem izvajalcev (1996, rev. 1998)
Metulji/ Butterflies; za komorni orkester (2009)
Trije plesi (AAA); za komorni ansambel in virtualna glasbila (2012)
Solo Music
Studija XII; za Igorja Lazka (1980)Electronic Music (Tape):
- Nokturno v Es/ Nocturno in Es; za elektronski klavir (1982)- Ples steklenih balerin; za 7×7 kristalnih kozarcev in analogni sintetizator (1984)
- Padanje listja dela drevesa nevidna; za ženski zbor, elektronski čembalo, električni bas, tolkala in magnetofonski trak (1984)
- Fire music/ Glasba ognja; za računalnik in elektronski studio (1985)
- Paralelni svetovi/ Parallel worlds; za klavir, računalnik in video (1986)
- Ostinato III; za ansambel flavt, tri kovinske predmete, tri kontaktne mikrofone, gasilsko sireno, elektronske orgle in magnetofonski trak (1986)
- Random toccata; za ATARI 520 STM ter MIRAGE sampler (1987)
- Flautiada; za flavto in računalnik (1987)
- Water music: za digitalne sample klavirja in računalnik, (1988)
- nedokončan cikel dvanajstih skladb Music of cosmic models (1987 – 2006)
- Saturnalije/ Saturnalias; za digitalne vzorce zvonov in elektronski studio (iz ciklusa Glasba kozmičnih modelov/Music of cosmic models ) (1988)
- Khesed; za tri tolkalce in magnetofonski trak, (1989)
- Sole; za električno kitaro, računalnik in video (1989, rev. 1999, 2000)
- Sonce zahaja/ The Sun Sets, glasba za eksperimentalni balet) (1990)
- Padanje listja dela drevesa nevidna, (1984)
- Venus orchestra; za računalnik (1995)
- Oglej, glasba poezije – poezija glasbe (na poezijo Marjana Pungartnika); za štiri recitatorje, elektronske in konkretne zvoke (1997, rev. 1999)
- Uriel; za digitalne vzorce flavte in računalnik (2006)
- Lumina; za razglašene citre, digitalne vzorce viole in godalnega kvarteta ter elektronski zvok (2007)
- Jutranja megla ob Bengalski obali; za digitalne vzorce indijskih inštrumentov ter elektronski in konkretni zvok (2009)
- Globina modrine/ Deep Blue, (2011) za električno kitaro solo, komorni orkester, virtualna glasbila in posnetek indijske violine
Other Ensembles:
• Earth - soavtor elektronske kompozicije,• soavtor glasbene produkcije E.S.R.B. (Elektronski studio radia Beograd)
• Parallel worlds - videoprojekt, soavtor (1989)
• Sole za električno kitaro, računalnik in video (1989, rev. 1999, 2000, 2002)
• Vibracije sunca - multimedijski projekt (1989)
• Sonce zahaja/ The sun sets - videoprojekt (1990)
• Košulja srećnog čoveka, manifestacija-razstava-multimedija, soavtor (1993)
• I ching - multumedijska, medmrežna instalacija (2001)
DOCUMENTARY FILMS (Writer and Producer):
a) Portraits from Auroville:
• Georges Blanchet (2009)
• Oroven Lang (2009)
• Rajaveni,
• Mita
b) Images from Auroville:
• New Creation Bilingual School & Albinca: Bach flower remedy dances (2009)
• Mohanam cultural centre & Albinca: Dances from the world (2009)
• Meditation for Trees (2009)
• Avidnapuram, (209)
• Kolam (eksperimentalni film) (2011)
• Trije plesi AAA (2013)
Gulo, Gulo (1988) - glasba za radiodramo Miodrag Bulatović
Horizonti - radiofonsko delo (1989/90)
Sonce zahaja/The sun sets - videoprojekt (1990)
Danaud Jean Claude: Žensko ročno delo, Gledališče Toneta Čufarja Jesenice (sezona 1993/94) - glasba za predstavo
Shepard Sam: Nevidna roka, SLG Celje (sezona 1995/96) - glasba za predstavo
Osa/ The wasp (2007) - glasba za kratki film
Šijanec Marjan, Meditations sur le poeme de Salvatore Quasimodo, (Ed. DSS 685), Edicije DSS - Društva slovenskih skladateljev, 1975Šijanec Marjan, Nocturno in Es, Edicije UKS - Udruženja kompozitora Srbije, (1982)
Šijanec Marjan, Studia XII; za Igorja Lazka, Edicije UKS - Udruženja kompozitora Srbije, (1982)
Šijanec Marjan, Komorna glasba za godala/Chamber music for strings, (Ed. DSS 1418) Edicije DSS - Društva slovenskih skladateljev, 1996
Šijanec Marjan, Dežuje; za osem izvajalcev/It's raining, for eight performers, (Ed. DSS 1501), Edicije DSS - Društva slovenskih skladateljev, 1999
Šijanec Marjan, Gayatri mantra: za ženski zbor (Mc. DSS 49), Edicije DSS - Društva slovenskih skladateljev, 2008
Šijanec Marjan, Metulji/Butterflies, za komorni orkester (Ed. DSS 1943), Edicije DSS - Društva slovenskih skladateljev, 2009
Šijanec Marjan, Praznovanje vetra/Celebration of the wind; za simfonični orkester (Ed. DSS 2005), Edicije DSS - Društva slovenskih skladateljev, 2011
Albinca Pesek: Muca prede nitke zlate: svetovne uspavanke za glas ali otroški zbor in klavir (2003), Mariborska literarna družba - Čriček; Šijanec Marjan avtor priredb: Večerna vila, Ali veš, koliko zvezdic na nebu miglja, Čas je za počitek - za različne instrumentalne zasedbe.
Glasba 4, Glasba 5, Glasba 6, Založba Mladinska knjiga; Šijanec Marjan avtor mnogih priredb
Glasba 6: Danes in nekoč, Glasba 7: Danes in nekoč, Glasba 8: Danes in nekoč, Založba Rokus Klett; Šijanec Marjan avtor mnogih priredb
- CD: Maribor Youth Choir: Sanjam sen (I Dream a Dream) (1995), conductors Karmina Šilec, Pechena Olga: arrangements from Ann of Green Gables: Sladoled (Ice Cream), Poglej in prisluhni (Look and Listen), Najrajši sem kar sem (I Prefer to Be What I Am), Poletje (Summer).- Double audio cassette: Electronic Music, MUZINA Society, 1995: Venus Orchestra.
- CD: Electroacoustic music; 30 years Radio Belgrade electronic studio (2002): Khesed-el; double CD Sokoj (CD 431333), Yugoslavia.
- CD: Oscilacije v ateljeju - slovenska elektroakustična glasba (Oscillators in the Studio – Slovene Electroacoustic Music) 1966-1997 (2005): Venus Orchestra (Ed. DSS 200443).
- CD: Albinca Pesek, Muca prede nitke zlate: svetovne uspavanke (The Cat Moves the Golden Threads: International Lullabies) (2003): arrangements of the songs Večerna vila (Evening Fairy), Ali veš, koliko zvezdic na nebu miglja? (Do You Know How Many Starts are Twinkling in the Sky?), Čas je za počitek (Time for a Rest); Mladinska knjiga (Sazas MKZ CD 002).
- CD: Cveto Kobal, Contemporary Flute Music (2006): Uriel for digital flute samples and computer RTV Slovenia Klasika (109775 Sazas).
- CD: Lumina, electroacoustic music (2007): Uriel, Padanje listja dela drevesa nevidna (Falling Leaves Make Trees Invisible), Paralelni svetovi (Parallel Worlds), Glasba ognja (Music of Fire), Sonce zahaja (The Sun Is Setting), Lumina; Ars Slovenica, Edicije DSS (Ed. DSS 200765).
- CD: KOS/ DSS Chamber Orchestra of Soloists 2 (2011): Metulji (Butterflies) for chamber orchestra;
Ars Slovenica, Edicije DSS (Ed. DSS 201182).
- CD and cassette: Glasba 4, Glasba 5, Glasba 6 (Music 4, Music 5, Music 6) (2001-2012): numerous arrangements; Založba Mladinska knjiga.
- CD, interactive songbooks, multimedia handbooks: Glasba 6: Danes and nekoč, Glasba 7: Danes and nekoč, Glasba 8: Danes and nekoč (Music 6: Today and Before, Music 7: Today and Before, Music 8: Today and Before) (2009 -2012): numerous arrangements; Založba Rokus Klett.
- All electroacoustic and computer works have been recorded either for the archives of Radio Belgrade, Radio Novi Sad and RAI, or for the private archives of the composer.
Address: Vrečarjeva 15, Lavrica, 1291 ŠkofljicaTelephone: +386 (0)31 818 239
E-mail: marjan.sijanec@gmail.com
Website: http://www.sijanec.com/