Openness and many new possibilities are the most important features of the UNICUM festival, which is a must for everyone who is in any way interested in modern - new musical creativity in the world and at home. The festival discovers and presents new, fresh ideas and compositional solutions and connects with other arts. In its framework even the youngest outstanding Slovenian composers are given opportunities to present themselves. Their international successes prove that a generation is coming that must also have the constant possibility of artistic and visual confrontation.
Artistic selector of UNICUM:Pavel Mihelčič
Telephon:+386 (0)31 656 260
E-mail: pavelmihelcic@gmail.com

The key role of our international activities is to exchange information on the international level and to encourage the participation of our members in international festivals, symposiums, congresses and music trade fairs in Europe and throughout the world. We also endeavour to inform the general public and comparable professional institutions about our activities, in particular about concerts with new works by Slovene composers, and to arrange exchange concerts. Within the framework of international activities, particular mention should be made of the Society’s membership of the International Society for Contemporary Music (ISCM) and the European Composers Federation (ECF).
Artistic selector of the International activities:
Leon Firšt
E-mail: leonfirst.music@gmail.com