Leto rojstva: 1934Commission of Musical Works
Composer, conductor, pedagogue and music writer.Education
- Ljubljana Faculty of Arts: Degree in archaeology (1957).- Ljubljana Academy of Music: Degree in composition (1972, class of Prof. Marjan Kozina) and studies in conducting (Prof. Danilo Švara).
- Further studies at the Darmstadt International Summer Course for New Music (1972) and the electroacoustic studio in Belgrade.
- Accompanist at the Ljubljana Ballet High School (1957-61).- Conductor of the Academic Choir (1960-62 and 1964-65).
- Artistic director and conductor of the RTV Ljubljana Chamber Choir (1962-72).
- Professor of conducting at the Pedagogical Academy (1972-86).
- Full professor of music theory at the Musicology Department of the Ljubljana Faculty of Arts (1986-1998).
- Secretary of the Yugoslav section of the International Society for Contemporary Music ISCM (1982-1991), with which he argued for and achieved the inclusion of Slovenia as an independent national section at the society’s general assembly in Warsaw in 1992.
- First associate (1991) and then full (1995) member of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SAZU).
- Member of international juries (Concorso Internationale di canto corale Seghizzi, 1981; Kompositions-Wettbewerb Spittal an der Drau, 1986).
- Participant at seminars (Composition Seminar in Grožnjan, 1988) and other events (International Meeting of Congress and Cultural Centres ICCA in Vancouver, Canada, 1990).
Awards and Prizes
- Prešeren Fund Prize for conducting, 1967.- Prešeren Fund Prize for composition, 1971 and 1987.
- First prize of the London BBC in the international competition Let the Peoples Sing, 1972.
- First prizes in the competition of Yugoslav radio stations (JRT) for the compositions Korant, 1970, Glasovi (Voices), 1975, for the electroacoustic works Atelje II (Studio II) and Atelje III (Studio II), 1976 and for music programmes, interpretations and music for radio plays.
- Novembrske pesmi (November Songs) for voice and orchestra selected amongst ten recommended compositions at the 32nd International Rostrum of Composers (IMC UNESCO - Paris), 1984.
- Prešeren Prize for compositional opus, 1994.
- Honorary citizen of the Municipality of Prevalje, Koroška, 2003.
- Kozina Prize of the Society of Slovene Composers for his entire compositional opus (2005).
- Župančič Prize of the City of Ljubljana for his life work (2011).
Orchestral Music
Požgana trava za mezzosopran in orkester (1965, revid. 1986), Sentence za dva klavirja in orkester (1966, revid. 1972), Korant za simfonični orkester (1969), Nicina za simfonični orkester (1971), Glasovi za godala, tolkala in brenkala (1973/74), Tangram za manjąi orkester (1977), Novembrske pesmi za mezzosopran in orkester (1981/82), Uvertura za tri instrumentalne skupine (1985), Queensland music za simfonični orkester (1989), Simfonija z orglami za orgle in simfonični orkester (1993), Cantico I za simfonični orkester (1997), Miti in apokrifi za basbariton in orkester (1998/99), Božične zgodbe - Puer natus za soliste zbora in orkester (2000), Cantico II za simfonični orkester (2002), Musica concertata za rog in orkester (2004), Archiphonia - Preludij za godala (2005), Zgodbe - Fables za soliste zbor in orkester (2006), Per Archi - Za godala (2009), Klavirski koncert - Diaphonia za klavir in orkester (2009), Glasba za violončelo in orkester (2011).Choral Music
zbirka Izbrani zbori, 152 strani, 2 prilogi (1998).Vocal-Instrumental Music
Tri nočne pesmi za visoki glas in klavir (1958), Štiri Kocbekove pesmi za srednji glas in klavir (1983), Fauvel '86 za soliste, mešani zbor, klavir, tolkala, priročna glasbila in trak (1986), Hvalnica svetu za dva mešana zbora, klavir štiriročno, tolkala in druga priročna glasbila, štiri kitare in trak (1988), Štirje mešani zbori V tihem šelestenju časa... za soliste, mešani zbor, tolkala in sintetizator (1991-1996), Ajdna - glasba o času za kljunaste flavte, soliste, mešani zbor, tolkala in sintetizator (1995), Vrtiljak - Godba na potapljajoči se ladji za mešani zbor in instrumente (2007), Pet pesmi za basbariton in klavir (2008).Chamber Music
Concertino per cinque za violino, violo, violončelo, klarinet in vibrafon (1962), Meditacije za dva za violo in violončelo (1965, revid. 1972), Ekspresije za violino, violončelo in klavir (1968, revid. 1972), Kons (b) za komorni ansambel (1968), Kons (a) za komorni ansambel (1970), Atelje za violino in klavir (1973), Epicedion za violino in akordični inštrument (1978), Invisibilia, šest miniatur za violino in klavir (1981), Epicedion - razširjena verzija za violine in orgle (1982), Godalni kvartet (1983), Od blizu in daleč, sedem podob za kljunaste flavte in asistenta (1991), Illud tempus za trobento in orgle (1996), Aprilske vinjete - Chalumeau III (1997), Dogodki za pihalni kvintet (2002), Invocation za klarinet (saksofon) in klavir (2003), Duettino za klarinet in kitaro (2007), Barvni krog za sedem izvajalcev (2008), Intrada za trobila in tolkala (2008), Cadenza za dva klavirja (2009).Solo Music
Impromptus I-IV za klavir (1967-1974), Sonet za klavir (1976), Chalumeau za solo klarinet (1977), Okus po času, ki beži za orgle (1978), Kvartet za tolkala (1979), Per oboe - Chalumeau II za oboo solo (1986), Rubato per viola za violo solo (1989), In voce cornu za rog solo (1990), Rej za harmoniko (1995).Electronic Music (Tape):
Atelje II za tonski trak (1975), Atelje III za violončelo in tonski trak (1976).Bibliography
- Osnove glasbene umetnosti (Rudiments of the Art of Music) (co-author B. Loparnik; 304 pages, 3 audio cassettes), 1982.- Glasovi časov - o slovenski glasbeni ustvarjalnosti (Voices of Times – On Slovene Musical Creativity) (7 essays), 1993-2000.
- Jelena Ukmar: Lojze Lebič - Od blizu and daleč (Lojze Lebič – From Near and Far) 2000.
Only compact discs devoted entirely to Lojze Lebič as a composer or conductor are listed.- CD: Lojze Lebič - conductor (1980) Gallus, De Monte, Willaert, Monteverdi.
- CD: Lojze Lebič: Queensland Music, Symphony with Organ, Atelje III (Studio III).
- CD: Lojze Lebič, 1996: Požgana trava (Burnt Grass), Glasovi (Voices), Sentence, Korant (Ed. DSS 996003).
- CD: Ajdna - glasba o času (Ajdna – Music about Time), 1996.
- CD: Lojze Lebič - conductor (2000): Slovenske pesmi (Slovene Songs).
- CD: Lojze Lebič - composer, 2001: Illud tempus, Od blizu in daleč (From Near and Far), Epicedion, Tangram.
- CD: Citira (Fiddle), 2001: Letni časi (The Seasons), Upanje (Hope).
- CD: Lojze Lebič - composer (2003): Novembrske pesmi (Novemebr Songs), Queensland Music, Nicina (The Shady Side).
- CD: Lojze Lebič - composer (2003): Music for orchestra Cantico I and Cantico II, Miti in apokrifi (Myths and Apocrypha).
- CD: Lojze Lebič - composer (2009): Zgodbe – Fables (Stories – Fables), Božične zgodbe - Puer natus (Christmas Stories – Puer natus).
- CD: Lojze Lebič . composer (2012): Intrada, Archiphonia, Diaphonia, Glasba (Music), Musica concertata.
Address: Bratov Učakar 134, 1000 LjubljanaTelephone: + 386 (0) 1 518 31 55
E-mail: Hanka.Lebic@guest.arnes.si
Website: http://www2.arnes.si/~hlebic/